Aeternum is proud to work with Liverpool City Council (LCC) as part of the URBAN GreenUP initiative in Liverpool. URBAN GreenUP is an EU funded project that seeks to reduce the future predicted impacts of climate change through retrofitting and testing a range of innovative, nature-based solutions across the city. As a front runner city in this global research project, Liverpool is seeking to monitor environmental, social and economic benefits associated with the new nature-based solutions. The project is underpinned and informed by a comprehensive monitoring programme and, as part of this, the city council has worked with Aeternum to install a number of their air quality sensors around the city centre to provide continuous monitoring data. The results and learning from all aspects of this project will help to inform future city decision making, increase the resilience of the city and improve local quality of life for all in the city.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 730426